The girlfriend has spent the whole snow day in her studio, so I’m appealing to her sweet tooth to lure her out.
Relationship goals
Hartley said:
Relationship goals
She’s really the best. I’ve adored her for 15 years.
Hartley said:
Relationship goals
She’s really the best. I’ve adored her for 15 years.
You both sound really lucky to have each other
Can you drop the recipe? Cannot find good cookies online for the life of me.
Luca said:
Can you drop the recipe? Cannot find good cookies online for the life of me.
It’s not fancy. It’s just the Nestle Tollhouse recipe on the chocolate chip bag. It’s the best chocolate chip cookie recipe I’ve made in all my years of baking. Sometimes things are popular for a reason, I guess.
Luca said:
Can you drop the recipe? Cannot find good cookies online for the life of me.
Yes please!
This would work on me, no question.
That is the recipe I grew up on. Still love it. You are sweet.
That should do it.