Halloween Tart Gone Wrong. Anything I Can Do?

I made a tart for the first time! Unfortunately, it’s going to be a lot richer than I intended. I followed a recipe for a chocolate ganache and caramel Oreo tart, but realized too late that I didn’t have enough chocolate for the ganache (the recipe called for 1 3/4 cups, and I had just over 1 cup). Since I was already melting the chocolate, I went ahead with it, which led to the ganache barely covering the caramel layer, as you can see in the second image. (Side note: I added a few drops of red dye to give it a “bloody” look.)

Now, the tart is about 65% caramel instead of the intended 50/50 balance, and while caramel tarts are definitely a thing, I’m worried it’ll be too rich for my friends. Is there anything I can do at this point to tone it down? I sprinkled Oreo crumbs around the edges to help, but I’m wishing I could add something else to offset the caramel overload. Feeling a bit bummed…

Orin said:
Whipped cream on the side, don’t mess with the tart, it looks great.

Yes - unsweetened whipped cream might help balance.

Orin said:
Whipped cream on the side, don’t mess with the tart, it looks great.

Or vanilla ice cream!

No one will know it’s not exactly what the recipe called for if you don’t say anything. It looks great and I’m sure it will be enjoyed by everyone.

Evren said:
Me looking at both pics not knowing what’s wrong.

Same! Kept flipping them back and forth.

Nevin said:
Whipped cream is the answer, don’t make it sweet.

Oh, maybe a lightly boozy whip (rum, perhaps?) or with just a touch of maple syrup: enough to taste but not enough to sweeten. The cream will be rich, but in a glass-of-milk-with-brownies kind of rich.

It looks and sounds incredible and your friends are so lucky to be baked for! Serve it with some vanilla ice cream (and berries?).

Small pieces, sprinkle of sea salt! Very barely sweet whipped cream or vanilla ice cream would also be lovely.

The Oreo crumble was actually brilliant. It looks great and my guess is it will taste just fine.


That sounds delicious.

I’d eat the hell out of it; things can be rich but still complex and flavorful! Don’t worry.

Ice cream or strawberries will cut some of the richness with creaminess or acidity.

It looks great. I’m sure it tastes great as well! Caramel is a fall flavor and fall flavors are usually a little richer. Hope your friends enjoy!

You have to eat it all before anyone else sees it irl.

Doesn’t look like anything is wrong with it tbh.

Just give a heads up!

If my friend poured their soul into something like this, and gave me a “hey, just to warn you that I kind of messed up and it might be a little sweet :sweat_smile:”;

I would make it my mission to eat as much of that dessert as possible without making anyone else upset. The love you put in that will outshine everything else if you let it, please know this!

DON’T cut it along the web lines. Each slice will look cooler if you cut in between them.