Baking with a one year old is difficult but I somehow assembled my Christmas cookie boxes

These are dazzling :heart_eyes:

Your cookies look so damn pretty.

Wow, my daughter is turning 1 on Sunday and I can only do stuff when she sleeps lol. Nowhere near this quality!

They look fantastic!!! I couldn’t make that many cookies, and cookies so well decorated and I don’t even have kids yet. I commend you.

Relatable, I have a 4-month-old who doesn’t nap independently and it was a struggle haha. I had to have my mom come over on day 3 of baking so I could finish :joy: your cookies are a whole lot more intricate and beautiful than mine though, I’m impressed!!

I also have a one year old and used that as an excuse to not bake this year. I feel bad now lol.

Decorate me impressed!

Wow! The one-year-old did a great job :slight_smile: